
家务事家政公司 2023-08-17 11:09


The standardization system of domestic service is an important measure to standardize the service of domestic service industry and promote the healthy development of the industry. It is also an important part of the national service industry standard system. The standardization system of domestic service includes the standard of domestic service industry, the standard of domestic service personnel, the standard of service quality, the standard of service safety and the standard of service environment.


1. Standards for the domestic service industry: It is the foundation of the development of the domestic service industry, the basis of the quality assurance of the domestic service industry, and the basis for the management of the domestic service industry. It includes the organization structure, service process, service content, service quality, service safety and so on of the domestic service industry.


2. Standards for domestic service personnel: It is an important part of the development of the domestic service industry, an important basis for guaranteeing the service quality of the domestic service industry, and an important basis for the management of the domestic service industry. It includes the quality requirements, service skills requirements, service etiquette requirements, service responsibility requirements, etc. of domestic service personnel.


3. Service quality standards: It is an important part of the development of the domestic service industry, an important basis for guaranteeing the service quality of the domestic service industry, and an important basis for the management of the domestic service industry. It includes the index system of service quality, the inspection standards of service quality, the evaluation standards of service quality, etc.


4. Service safety standards: It is an important part of the development of the domestic service industry, an important basis for guaranteeing the safety of the domestic service industry, and an important basis for the management of the domestic service industry. It includes the inspection standards of service safety, the evaluation standards of service safety, the technical standards of service safety, etc.


5. Service environment standards: It is an important part of the development of the domestic service industry, an important basis for guaranteeing the service environment of the domestic service industry, and an important basis for the management of the domestic service industry. It includes the inspection standards of service environment, the evaluation standards of service environment, the technical standards of service environment, etc.











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